Friday, April 5, 2013

Karen McClory - A St. Regis Star


I am highlighting this week, another St. Regis Star, and the services and contributions of a 2012 Board member, Ms. Karen McClory. The role of Board member is a working position, consisting of countless volunteer hours and practical action designed to serve the needs of the residents and care and maintenance of the building. Karen was such a hard-working and crucial member of the 2012 Board and all the positive changes that occurred this past year. These positive actions included:
…the responsibility of typing, editing, and submitting for printing all the notes from meetings

….the work involved in the acquisition of new paint and lighting for the lobby
….helping with the acquisition of the furniture for the lobby
….newsletters and other printed communication including posting building notes/memos, etc
….an integral role in the work involved in the hiring of staff, including our terrific manager, Theresa

When reflecting on her service, Karen stated,

Serving on the board really re-opened my eyes to the beauty and history of the St. Regis. I'm a Long Beach girl, born and nearly bred. We grew up in Compton during an easier time. I'm sorry everyone didn't get to grow up in the 50's... it was sweet! Anyway, my son's grandmother purchased #503 probably in 1975. She lived there with Olive, of course, Zeta Maney... what a character--she never went out of her apartment without a hat... a San Francisco style hat; Mrs. Colucci of the "plumbing Colucci family", Aunt Agnes Herbst... lots of interesting people. Mrs. Kellerman was the manager and she lived in the apartment just off the lobby... where Carl lives now. She was wheelchair bound but she was formidable! She ruled the roost and through the open slit in her door, she knew exactly who was coming and going and whether they should be! She spent a lot of time in the little office window, more or less as a concierge/manager, and while her rules were strictly enforced and I heard complaints from time to time, the building was always tip top shape. There were mostly resident owners back then. After Anna passed away and I became owner of #503, we had our annual meetings in the Solarium and they would get pretty heated. Interesting that the same faces who tend to heat up the arguments are still around... except for Dear Olive. There have been lots of changes in the last 40 years--that's for sure.

We cannot begin to count the many ways her integrity and responsibility served our building so well, and how the systems she initiated will continue to serve the St. Regis for many years to come. So, a big THANK YOU to Karen McClory-enjoy your retirement and please continue to visit us here.

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